UNIDOW Indices

UNIDOW Indices

An Average of the Market Sentiment

UNIDOW Industrial 44 Average - India's First Equity Index With Heterogeneous Sector Representation

UNIDOW Industrial 44 Average, a first equity index from the UNIDOW Indices family, is a float adjusted market capitalisation weighted equity index with a representation of companies from diverse sectors and industries. Financial Market Services (FMS) of UNIDOW & Company has designed and developed UI 44 Average with an objective of benchmarking the performance indicators of its own publications, statistics and research; and for financial products of asset management companies (AMCs), portfolio managers, financial service providers and banks.



UNIDOW Indices (UI) is an equity index service of UNIDOW & Company, designed to exhibit India's fastest growing industries, virtually signifying the economic performance. For this purpose, UNIDOW Indices are being used as benchmark for our research and publications and other references to the economic progress of India. Commenced from 1st Jan 2018, UI started with UNIDOW Industrial 44 Average, which is a composition of forty four large Indian companies from thirty one industries, which makes it a market average for our services and performance benchmark for financial products.


With a thought of our own equity index with a largest industrial composition. UI is a composition of large Indian corporations representing several industries across sectors. UI 44 Average, from the UI family, is designed with thirty one industries across all sectors, which is eventually putting on the market sentiment on display for the domestic investors, overseas investors, corporations, government and the general public. Putting our values and objective on the utmost extent, UI 44 Average is helping investors in managing risk by identifying key constituents of risk and growth at the same time.


UI equity indices are principally designed for using the index performance, constituents performance and their key statistics in our publications, projects, consulting, risk management and research papers. Nevertheless, the largest industrial composition of UI 44 Average makes this index a superlative benchmark for the performance of mutual funds, portfolio, ETFs, portfolio managers, and other investment products. Composition with a diverse industrial constituents across sectors give a glimpse of market breadth and sentiment for making a sound investment calls.


UI 44 Average is a float adjusted market capitalisation weighted equity index comprising forty four large Indian companies from thirty one industries, which makes it a sterling indicator of economic performance and a benchmark for Financial Products.

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